Kunming Useful Contact Information

Following are some useful contact information and telephone numbers in Kunming.

  • Hospitals in Kunming
  • Important Contact Numbers in Kunming
  • Banking in Kunming
  • Telephone & Mobile Phones
  • Post Office in Kunming
  • Courier Service
  • Internet Access
  • Bookstores in Kunming
  • Useful Websites

  • Hospitals in Kunming

    Kunming Diyi People's Hospital
    Address: No. 35 Xunjin Jie, Kunming
    Tel: (86871) 318-8200 or (86871) 318-8092

    Yunnan Diyision of People's Hospital
    Address: No. 95 Huancheng Dong Lu, Kunming

    Important Contact Numbers in Kunming







    Zip Code Inquiry

    (86871) 313-9491

    Consumption Complaint


    Kunming Tourism Complaint

    (86871) 316-4961

    Banking in Kunming

    Major credit cards, traveler's check or cash can be exchanged for Chinese Yuan in almost every branch of Bank of China in Kunming.

    Yunnan Branch of Bank of China
    Address: No. 515 Beijing Lu, Kunming

    Kunming Branch of Bank of China
    Address: No. 288 Huguo Lu, Panlong Qu, Kunming

    Telephone & Mobile Phones
    • While public phones are easily found in small shops along streets in Kunming, low-cost IDD or DDD calls could be purchased in post offices or telecom buildings.
    • Famous-brand mobile phones are available for less than RMB 500 in large shopping malls or monopoly shops.
    Post Office in Kunming

    Kunming Post Office
    Address: No. 225 Beijing Lu, Kunming

    Yunnan Post Office
    Address: No. 136 Beijing Lu, Kunming

    Courier Service

    DHL, Kunming
    Tel: (86871) 701-8959

    Kunming Lianli Express Delivery Limited
    Tel: (86871) 717-5029 or (86871) 717-5030

    Internet Access

    Internet bars are located near universities, colleges, and schools. There are many Internet bars near Yunnan University with good speed and environment charging RMB 2 to 3 per hour.


    Kunming Xinhua Book Store
    Address: No. 308 Dongfeng Lu, Kunming

    Yunnan Foreign Language Book Store
    Address: Science Building, Nantai Qiao, Kunming

    Useful Websites

    Kunming Government Affairs Info

    Kunming Overseas Chinese

    Window on Kunming

    Kunming Tourism

    Kunming News

    Kunming Information

    Kunming China

    Kunming International Economic Information

    NOTE: Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.