Beijing Useful Contact Information

Following are some useful contact information and telephone numbers in Beijing

  • Hospitals in Beijing
  • Important Contact Numbers in Beijing
  • Useful Websites

  • Hospitals in Beijing

    Beijing Shunyi Hospital
    Address: South Guangming Street, Shunyi District, Beijing
    Tel: (8610) 6942-3220

    Beijing United Family Hospital
    Address: 2 Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
    Tel: (8610) 6433-3960

    Haidian Changqing Hospital of Beijing
    Address: Sijiqingxiaotun, Haidian District, Beijing
    Tel: (8610) 8845-1842

    Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    Address: 23 Meishuguanhou Street, Dong Cheng District, Beijing
    Tel: (8610) 6404-0791

    Beijing Friendship Hospital
    Address: 95 Yongan Road, Xuanwu District, Beijing
    Tel: (8610) 6301-4411

    Important Contact Numbers in Beijing

    Taxicab Administration 6461-6688
    Tourist Taxi Service 6515-8604
    Taxi Service 6858-2661
    International Post Office 6512-8114
    Jianguomennei Post Office 6519-6642
    Bank of China Beijing Branch 6519-9114
    Beijing Overseas Tourism Co. 6515-8573
    Beijing China International Travel Service 6515-0515

    Useful Websites

    Keep informed about local, National and International news on China by clicking on the links to the following newspapers in China:

    Beijing Morning Beijing Youth Business Beijing
    Beijing Daily Beijing Review China Daily [China]
    Beijing Evening News China Today People's Daily
    Beijing This Week Chinese Newspapers Link to other papers

    NOTE: Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.