Beijing Sports

Staying in shape in Beijing can be easy. Just walk everywhere!!! Or join health and fitness clubs to stay in shape. Run on the treadmill, lift weights, do aerobics or even play badminton and table tennis with people at the local gyms. Golf and tennis are also readily available with some very nice driving ranges and courts. Swimming is also popular in Olympic sized pools. If you are a morning person, you can always join in on the fun with morning Taichi at the local parks.

There are numerous recreational facilities in Beijing. The city is equipped with such facilities as golf courses, tennis courts, bowling alleys, swimming pools, roller-skating rings, fishing pools and horse racing tracks. Recreational centers and cultural clubs can be found in every district of the city. Provided below are a sampling of places for sports and recreation:

  • Badminton
  • Golf
  • Squash & Racquet Ball
  • Bowling
  • Horseracing
  • Swimming
  • Fitness Centers
  • Martial Arts
  • Tennis

  • Badminton

    Chaoyang Gymnasium
    Liulitun Xikou, Chaoyang District
    Tel: (8610) 6501-1016

    Olympic Sports Center
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6491-2233

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    Beijing Recreational Center
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6499-3434

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    Fitness Centers & Health Clubs

    Beijing Recreational Center
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6499 3434

    Beijing Trend Station Beauty and Fitness Center
    B3, TowerC, COFCO Plaza, 8, Jiannei Dajie
    Tel: (8610) 6562-0795

    25 Hours Fitness Center
    2 Maliandao Nanjie
    Opening hours: 10:00 am-10:00 pm

    Amrita Fitness
    3/F, Swiss Hotel, 2 Chaoyangmen Beidajie
    Opening hours: 6:00 am-10:30 pm

    Table Tennis
    No 4 Chongwenmen Tiyuguan Road, Chongwen District

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    Learn Chinese Language in ChinaBeijing Big Canal Golf Club
    Hu Ge Zhuang, Tongzhou District
    Tel: (8610) 8958-3058

    Beijing International Golf Club
    Changping County, north of the Ming Tomb Reservoir
    Tel: (8610) 6076-2288

    Beijing Rural Golf Club
    West bank of the Chaobai river, Shunyi County
    Tel: (8610) 6940-1111

    North Star Golf Club
    8 Beichendong Lu, Chaoyang District
    Tel: (8610) 6491-0385 / 6491-0386

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    Beijing Horseman's Park
    Beizang Village, Daxing County
    Tel: (8610) 6027-5019

    Beijing Country Horse Racing Range
    Mapo, Shunyi County

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    Martial Arts

    Yuanmingyuan Ruyi Martial Arts School
    The only private martial arts school approved by the city government. Attendants may learn various forms of Chinese boxing and qigong, a Chinese breathing exercise, to enhance the physique.

    152 Yuan Ming Yuan Lu
    Tel: (8610) 6257-1596

    Squash & Racquet Ball

    Beijing Recreational Center
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6499-3434

    China World Hotel
    Tel: (8610) 6505-2266

    Holiday Inn's Lido Club
    Tel: (8610) 6437-6688

    Hilton Hotel
    Tel: (8610) 6466-2288

    Lufthansa Center
    Tel: (8610) 6465-3388

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    Xin'aote Yingdong Swimming Pool
    Olympic Sports Center
    Tel: (8610) 6492-1601

    Huiyuan Mansion
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6499-4847

    East Lake Club
    Inside East Lake Villa near the Australian
    Embassy Tel: (8610) 6467-8221 ext. 262

    Sino-Japanese Youth Exchange Center
    40 Liangmaqiaolu
    Tel: (8610) 6466-3311 ext. 3185

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    Beijing International Tennis Center
    50 Tiantan Donglu
    Tel: (8610) 6711-3872

    Olympic Tennis Center
    Asian Games Village
    Tel: (8610) 6491-2233

    Xiannongtan Tennis Center
    Inside the Xian Nong Tan Stadium
    Tel: (8610) 6301-7744 ext. 2394

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    NOTE: Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.