Kunming Shopping

Kunming offers many local products. The interaction of different cultures and colorful lifestyles offers visitors so much to see and buy. In particular, Kunming is famous for local handiwork including Dai Jin (brocade made by Dai artisans), minority tie dying and Dai Zhu Bian (Dai bamboo basketry), as well as ivory and wood carvings.There are a variety of stores selling locally produced souvenirs for travelers to buy for friends or family. Kunming is therefore an ideal place to find local products and souvenirs offered in Yunnan Province, China.

  • Kunming Specialty Items
  • Shopping Areas in Kunming

  • Kunming Specialty Items

    Dai Jin

    Study at Chinese UniversitiesMost Dai women can weave Dai Jin, a kind of drapery with colorful and unique designs used to make bags, curtains, bedclothes, cushions, etc., making excellent gifts for relatives and friends.

    Dai people are also clever at making articles of bamboo because the Dai families live in bamboo houses in which everything is made of bamboo including cabinets and hats.

    Kunming Ivory Carving

    Study at Chinese Universities Kunming ivory carving with a more than 40-year history is an exquisite handiwork offering plane and three-dimensional carving. Carved ivory birds, flowers and images are valuable and popular as collections and precious souvenirs. However, please note that as a rule, ivory and ivory articles are not allowed to be taken out of China. In order to take the ivory and ivory items out of China, a testimonial issued by the relevant Chinese governmental department is required.

    Wood carving

    Wood carving in Kunming is exhibited mainly in wood furniture including chairs, benches and tea tables. Furniture with enchased marble is classical and elegant.

    Shopping Areas in Kunming

    Nanyao Market

    Nanyao Market is the largest open market dealing primarily with local specialties and handicrafts, which is located beside the railway station and long-distance bus station, and close to downtown Kunming.

    Yunnan Curio Building

    The four-story traditional Yunnan Curio Building is located on Nanping Lu. It houses old Yunnan artwork. Here, many stores offer handcrafts of various nationalities. Both are ideal souvenir venues. Most goods can be bargained down.

    Kunming Department Store

    Kunming Department Store is conveniently located on Dongfeng Xi Lu, the center area of the city. There are many kinds of daily commodities there.

    Qian Cun Department Store

    Qian Cun Department Store is located on Renmin Zhong Lu. It is a new and modern store which is popular with tourists.

    Yunnan General Post Office

    Located on Beijing Lu, Yunnan General Post Office is the largest post office in Kunming. There are also many kinds of postcards as well as stamps for sale in the post office.

    Flowers and Birds Market

    Study Chinese Language in ChinaSituated in Jing Xing Street, theFlowers and Birds Market is a glimpse into local life. In the Flowers and Birds Market, hundreds of flowers, including orchids, camellias, lilies, roses and tulips bloom in profusion. You can buy loose flowers, made-up boutiques, or potted flowers as well as various styles of vases there. You'll hear continuous bird song from parrots, mynahs, thrushes, and cuckoos, most of which are for sale.

    Since 1983 the Flowers and Birds Market has gradually been built into a comprehensive public spot for leisure, shopping, and trading. Strolling on the market street, you can see shops and stalls of all sorts, especially those featuring flowers, birds, and fish. The market has also become a must-visit destination offering pets, curios, jade articles, jewelry, ink stones, porcelains, potteries, stone carvings, marble products, artworks, handcrafts, and an array of other items which may great souvenir gifts.

    The Flowers and Birds Market is a treasure trove for souvenirs. Do not miss the shops that sell colorful ethnic costumes with headdresses. Most are handcrafted and very popular with tourists. Prices are reasonable, and you may even bargain with shopkeepers. Beautiful well-preserved old buildings within the market are now home to many Western restaurants and shops.

    Wal-Mart in Kunming
    • Da Guan Branch of Wal Mart
      Address: E1 and E2, Daguan Shangye Cheng, Kunming
    • Guomao Zhongxin Branch of Wal-Mart
      Address: No. 289 Chuncheng Road, Kunming
    • Ji Da Branch of Wal-Mart
      Address: No. 188 Huancheng Dong Road, Kunming

    NOTE: Although this information is correct at the time of our web publication, it is still advised that you call the phone number and confirm the address before going to the venue because some venues may have changed their telephone numbers or address locations.